“Illness is the body’s healing response, the body’s resolution of conflict.” William Brugh Joy
- To heal is to make whole.
- To heal is to integrate our parts into a single whole, a harmonious dance of opposites.
- To heal is to release and let go, letting go of the past and opening to the future.
- Healing is not a result of our will power.
- Healing is related to surrendering and opening to forces that are much greater than we are.
- To heal is to accept the power of Divine Love.
- Healing is opening to our vulnerability and accept that we are part of a process that is much greater than our individual self.
- To heal requires having a purity of intention, that connects with Divine intention and allows that energy to flow through us, for our highest good, and the highest good of all.
03a from Wes Bourdon on Vimeo.